
Engineer | Builder | Writer | Podcaster

#6: AI With Me by Richmond Alake - What's In Store for 2022?

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

What's In Store for 2022?

The New Year, with its fresh starts and fresh possibilities, provides us with a clean slate in which to re-examine our objectives and aspirations. We've been here before, at the start of a new year with brand-new goals and aspirations.

However, this year feels very different. After a string of lockdowns and zoom meetings, it's possible that 2022 will be better.

Whatever the future holds for 2022, we always prepare ahead of time. I've spent the last two weeks preparing for 2021 and making sure that I devote adequate attention to my life and career's most crucial areas.

Here are a few of goals I'll be achieving in 2022

  • Publishing my first book
  • Starting a AI/Machine Learning podcast
  • Complete fundraising for one of my startups
  • Get 10,000 subscribers to my YouTube channel
  • Read 50 books

I'm interested in hearing what you have got planned for 2022. Perhaps you are starting a new company, getting a new job or finally taking the leap to go back into education.

I invite you to share your goals with me by replying to this email. We can both hold ourselves accountable for achieving our goals.

Follow my journey even closer by following me on Twitter.

Videos You Can't Miss

Lex Fridman and Elon Musk had an interesting conversation that covered topics such as Tesla, AI, Autonomous vehicles, Mars and Space.

This conversation to me was as inspiring as it was interesting, it's quite lengthy but it's one of the rare occasions we get to observe Elon Musk answering very well formed question in detail.

Data Science YouTube and good friend of mine, Ken Jee shares his thoughts on the LinkedIn Machine Learning assessment.

Engineer | Builder | Writer | Podcaster

Richmond Alake

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