
Engineer | Builder | Writer | Podcaster

Richmond Alake

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#13: AI With Me by Richmond Alake - Elevating Your Game by Rising Above Self-Competition

Elevating Your Game by Rising Above Self-Competition I spend over an hour in the gym most days of the week. I have done this regularly for the past seven years. Why? My body responds well to weightlifting, and for some weird reason, it feels like meditation. The solitude of the gym, the rhythm of lifting heavy weights, the countdown - it's a peculiar therapy that soothes my mind after a long day of bashing keyboards, staring and glaring at monitors. I only train alone, and I don't really talk...

10 months ago • 3 min read

Launching into 2023's Latter Half Momentum is underrated, just behind consistency. The first half of 2023 was noisy, right? From the reverberations of ChatGPT in every corporate address to Generative AI becoming the buzzword of the current AI hype cycle. In the midst of this clamour, it quickly became apparent that many generative AI applications were merely flashy demos lacking tangible business value. I, too, built a flashy demo, but I've come to understand the need to shift from the glitz...

11 months ago • 2 min read

Computer Vision Still Retains its Appeal Like many AI enthusiasts, my journey also began with a fascination for Computer Vision.My journey into AI, started with my academic pursuit to obtain an MSc in Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Space Robotics. The masters was tough, really tough. But inbetween long lectures tackling complex topics like calculus, kinematics, and traditional machine learning techniques seemed like an insurmountable mountain. But amidst the challenging academic...

11 months ago • 1 min read

The Secret to Human Success Our success as a species can be attributed to a few key components, including our ability to transfer knowledge through storytelling and our ability to collaborate and cooperate on tasks. Although storytelling and collaboration might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about AI, Data, and ML practitioners and professionals, these skills can have just as much of an impact on your career as more technical skills like programming abilities. I’ve...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Let's talk about Business Value I'd like you to grasp the crucial distinction between side projects and the real world: solutions created with cutting-edge deep learning technology for some arbitrary activities will only be relevant in the real world if they provide value - I mean genuine business value. Realising this fact early on in your career enables you as a practitioner to focus your efforts on what matters most for organisations, institutions, and corporations that have actual...

almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

Half Way Already! We are halfway through 2022! The halfway mark has come too quickly, and it's already felt like an entire year has gone by for others. 2022 continues to be eventful and, at times, unpredictable. During these couple months, I've found myself exploring new opportunities and starting projects I never saw myself starting in January. One of them is my new podcast, where I speak to machine learning, data science and AI practitioners with respected reputations within the industry....

almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

Not So Fast My last newsletter mentioned that I had spent the last two weeks of 2021 planning for 2022 and was ready to go all into the new year guns blazing. Well, life had other plans, and I found myself Covid-19 positive and in bed for a few days, recovering. Initially, I was upset that I couldn't execute my plans, couldn't write or work, and couldn't go to the gym or even have friends and family visit me. But I looked at the silver lining and reflected on my health, mental state, and what...

over 2 years ago • 1 min read

What's In Store for 2022? The New Year, with its fresh starts and fresh possibilities, provides us with a clean slate in which to re-examine our objectives and aspirations. We've been here before, at the start of a new year with brand-new goals and aspirations. However, this year feels very different. After a string of lockdowns and zoom meetings, it's possible that 2022 will be better. Whatever the future holds for 2022, we always prepare ahead of time. I've spent the last two weeks...

over 2 years ago • 1 min read
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