
Engineer | Builder | Writer | Podcaster

#7: AI With Me by Richmond Alake - Not So Fast

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Not So Fast

My last newsletter mentioned that I had spent the last two weeks of 2021 planning for 2022 and was ready to go all into the new year guns blazing. Well, life had other plans, and I found myself Covid-19 positive and in bed for a few days, recovering.

Initially, I was upset that I couldn't execute my plans, couldn't write or work, and couldn't go to the gym or even have friends and family visit me.

But I looked at the silver lining and reflected on my health, mental state, and what I wanted for my life, not just professionally but all aspect of life considered.

So today, I'm fully recovered and ready to start 2022 more calmly, as opposed to a headstrong approach.

This Week

  • Exploring the implementation of algorithms in Swift for queuing synthesised speech.
  • Implementing and training a neural network using Keras ConvLstm2D layers for action classification.
  • Writing an article on the power of storytelling within Data Science
  • Writing an article on utilising PyTorch lightning for convolutional neural network implementation.

Videos You Can't Miss

Karolina Sowinska provides insight into common ML/Data related roles and their job market prospects in 2022.


As I dive into the world of YouTube and podcasting, I remember coming across some words by Andrew Ng, that allowed me to appreciate the unique times we truly all live in

"Because of YouTube videos, talks and books, I think its's easier than ever for someone to find material and study by themselves, just step by step."

- Andrew Ng, Architects of Intelligence By Martin Ford

Engineer | Builder | Writer | Podcaster

Richmond Alake

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